Огромная благодарность Автору за Мастер-класс
Gala pork pies
1 Gala pork pies have an egg in the middle. To make the egg, form a narrow cylinder of
yellow clay and wrap in a sheet of white.
2 Make sure the white joins reasonably neatly otherwise your egg will be a slightly strange shape.
3 Make a square of the pink meat mix and, using a cutter, cut out a circle from the middle of it.
4 and 5 Insert the egg cane through the hole in the middle of the meat square.
6 Squeeze the sides of the square to enclose the space between the meat mix and the egg and to form a cuboid (a lengthened cube). Cut off any excess cane.
7 Pressing gently, add a little translucent to the top of the pink meat mix to simulate the pork pie jelly.
8 Wrap with a further very thin layer of translucent.
9 Add a layer of clay pastry mix, doubling the thickness for the top crust of the gala pork pie.
10 Use opposite fingers and thumbs to 'persuade' the pork pie into shape.
11 Lengthen the cane further until it reaches the scale you require. For 1/12 scale, this should measure approximately 1-1.25cm from top to bottom.
12 Cut the cane through the middle to reveal the face of the pie. Cut into 2-2.5cm
13 Cut a square of pastry mix to enclose one end of the pork pie.
14 Draw a curve-ended tool around the top inner edge of the pork pie to form an indentation.
15 Mark the edges of the pie with the dental tool using the same technique as with the first pork pie. Remember
not to mark the front which is the cut edge.
16 Cut a couple of slices of pie and display them in front to show off the inside.
17 After hardening in the oven, glaze the top, sides and back, not forgetting the edges of the slices.