Cake Decorating Tutorials  (How To's) Tortas Paso a Paso
Cake Decorating Tutorials (How To's) Tortas Paso a Paso
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Старый 06.04.2013, 21:25
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По умолчанию МК шоколадная ваза -chocolate bowl tutorial V1
Огромная благодарность Автору gourmetmomonthego за Мастер-класс

Сhocolate bowls out of water balloons! (Or any balloons, for that matter). Название: 1.jpg
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With a few helpful tips, you can whip these out in 10 minutes or less and you can store them in a cool place up to 3 weeks. Fill these little gems with mousse, ice cream, pudding, fresh fruit, whatever you want! I LOVE things that look gorgeous, gourmet, and artsy but you can make without much fuss. Let's get started!

Artsy Chocolate Bowls
White and Dark chocolate candy melts
Balloons, any size (Water balloons are the perfect size for individual-serving bowls)
Wax Paper

(Notes: You can also use white/dark chocolate bark from the baking aisle. Candy melts can be found at Wal-Mart in the craft section. DO NOT USE chocolate chips. They will not set up hard enough.)

Blow up desired amount of balloons. Fill a microwave-safe bowl (I like a 2 quart casserole dish) with a bag of white candy melts (about 2 cups). Microwave for 60 seconds, stir. Continue to microwave at 20-second intervals and stirring until melted.
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Размер: 16.7 Кб In a seperate small bowl, place about 1 cup dark chocolate and melt as above.
Drizzle a small amount of the dark chocolate over the white chocolate. DO NOT STIR. This is the key to great-looking bowls. The less you stir, the more they will be striped. People tend to use dark chocolate as the base or they mix it too much and it all mixes together into a light brown. So, just drizzle and get ready to dip!
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Размер: 43.7 Кб ip a balloon into your chocolate (as deep as you want), pull out and let extras drip back into the bowl, then place on a cookie sheet lined with wax paper to dry. Continue with all the balloons. Drizzle more dark chocolate on top as you need/want it. You can pop them in the fridge if you want and they'll set up in just a couple minutes.

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When set, gently push against the sides of the balloon to release from the chocolate. Using a pin or scissors, make a small hole in the top of the balloon so the air can leak out. As the air leaks, out, peel balloon off of chocolate bowl. You're ready to fill and serve! Or, you can place in a single layer and store in a cool place up to 3 weeks.
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