Cake Decorating Tutorials  (How To's) Tortas Paso a Paso
Cake Decorating Tutorials (How To's) Tortas Paso a Paso
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Перезагрузить страницу Лепка "Груффало" шаг за шагом -Gruffalo tutorial
Старый 29.11.2012, 10:23
Ariana Ariana вне форума
Регистрация: 07.09.2010
Сообщений: 7,940
По умолчанию Лепка "Груффало" шаг за шагом -Gruffalo tutorial
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Размер: 204.3 Кб

I used pre-coloured chocolate fondant and mixed it with some white to lighten it, but on reflection the Gruffalo is still too dark so next time I would have added more white so he is lighter. Also… all the fondant has been mixed with tylo powder (ratio of 250g fondant to 1/2 teaspoon of powder) so that it turns into gum/sugarpaste. This makes it a better consistency for modelling and also means that it will harden.
Start by rolling an egg shape of chocolate brown fondant and then flattening it out a bit near the top.
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Roll out two fat sausage shapes for the legs. Thin out one end and then tap the other end on your table to flatten.
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Attach the legs to the body using some water
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Stick a toothpick or dry piece of pasta through the Gruffalo’s body
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Roll out two evenly sized balls and then shape them into sausages for the arms
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Hmmm… note how I didn’t take my own advice and my balls of fondant are NOT the same size. Название: 9.jpg
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Using a sharp knife, make 3 incisions for the fingers
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Round off the square fingers with a modelling tool (or the other side of a knife)
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Flatten the other end of your arm and attach to the body using some water
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Roll out 8 evenly sized balls and then shape them into a teardrop shape
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Stick onto the toes and then curl the tops over gently using your fingers
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Using a knife, make gentle cuts on the body, arms and legs to make the fur. I also cut a grid-like pattern on the feet.
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Roll out an egg shaped ball for the head – make sure you measure it up against the body to make sure it is to scale. Trust me – I have made this mistake so many times!!! There is nothing more frustrating to finish modelling a head, only to realise that it is too big/small for the body.
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Make an indent towards the large part of the egg shape with a pencil or modelling tool
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Using a sharp knife, gently cut a mouth into the head
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Attach to the body using water
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Make holes either side of what will become the nose. As you gently make the hole, lift the tool upwards.
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Using a ball tool, make indents for the eyes and then attach orange circles.
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Give the orange eyes 5 minutes to dry and then mark in your eyeballs using a black edible marker or some black gel colour mixed with a little vodka, or you can use small balls of black fondant.
Also roll a small green ball of fondant for the ‘wart on the end of his nose’
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Roll out a thin piece of white fondant. Make each end a point and then cut out the teeth and tusks.
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Attach to the gruffalo
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In the same way as the tusks…. make two horns and attach
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Roll out two teardrop shaped brown balls and using a ball tool, make an indent.
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Roll out two lighter brown balls, flatten and stick to the ear with some water
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Attach to the head
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Final step is to make small purple tear drop shaped prickles for the Gruffalo’s back
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Старый 29.11.2012, 13:27
Ariana Ariana вне форума
Регистрация: 07.09.2010
Сообщений: 7,940
По умолчанию
Огромная благодарность Автору Bronnie Bakes за Мастер-класс

Название: 1.jpg
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Размер: 204.3 Кб
To start with, colour your fondant a light brown. I mixed some precoloured chocolate fondant with my white fondant. Add your hardening agent (I used tylo/se powder 250g to 1/2 teaspoon of powder) and start by rolling out an egg shape of fondant.
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Roll out some thin white fondant and cut out an oval shape. If you don’t have an oval cutter, you can use a circle cutter and just stretch it out too make an oval. Add a toothpick or dry piece of pasta to the body.
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Roll out a thin sausage of brown fondant for the legs and cut in the middle.
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Tap the cut end on the table to flatten it.
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Squash down the other side of the leg
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Dab the squashed side with water and place under the body
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Roll out two circles of pink fondant and flatten them.
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Gently squeeze one end together
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Make 3 cuts to the other end of the foot and then attach to the legs using some water
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Roll out two thin sausages of brown fondant for the arms, cut one side, flatten the other side and attach to the body
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Roll out two small balls of pink fondant, flatten them and then cut off one side so that they look like mittens
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Using a sharp knife, make 3 incisions for the fingers and then attach to the arms/body using some water. Make some ‘fur’ by gently using a sharp knife to make incisions over the body/arms/legs.
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Roll out a thin sausage of brown fondant for the tail. Flatten one end, dab it with water and then sit the mouse over the top.
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Roll out an egg shape of brown fondant for the head.
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Roll out some white fondant and stamp out half a circle. Attach it to the head and then attach the head to the body using some water and the toothpick/pasta.
(It doesn’t matter too much about the white under the head because you wont see the bottom of it once it has been attached to the body)
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Add a small pink ball of fondant for the nose, two white circles for the eyes and some whiskers. I only had some silver florist’s wire on hand and it looks like my mouse has staples for whiskers So try and get some white wire.
Give the white eyes 5 mins to harden before drawing on the black eyes (or you can use small balls of black fondant) and some thin eyebrows
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Roll out some pink and brown fondant and cut out circles for the ears (a smaller size in the pink fondant). Attach the pink circle to the brown circle.
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Squeeze one end with your fingers, flatten and then attach to the Mouse’s head.
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I then let my mouse dry with a foam block up against his back to hold the ears in place and keep him upright.
Старый 29.11.2012, 14:25
Ariana Ariana вне форума
Регистрация: 07.09.2010
Сообщений: 7,940
По умолчанию
Огромная благодарность Автору Bronnie Bakes за Мастер-класс

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Размер: 204.3 Кб
Start with some chocolate brown gum/sugar paste, some white and then using a bit of each, create your mid-brown ‘owl’ colour. Leave a small amount of your chocolate brown and your light brown together which you will use to make a marbled colour for the log.
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Roll out your chocolate brown into a log and then cut each end using a very sharp knife
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Twist together your light and dark brown colours and then roll out and stamp out two circles before attaching them to the ends of the log.
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Make a hole in the top of the log with a toothpick
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Roll out your light brown colour into a ball (reserve a small amount for the wings) and then mould into a ‘bird’ shape
(sorry – there’s no other way to describe this shape, other than bird!!) Название: 8.jpg
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Размер: 187.6 КбMake a hole in the bottom of the bird using a toothpick
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For the wings, roll out two teardrop shapes and then flatten
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Roll out some white colour and cut out two ‘half teardrop’ shapes. Stick to the brown wings and then set aside to harden for a little while.
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Using a modelling tool, make an imprint on the Owl’s head for the eye sockets
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Roll out some white colour and cut a figure 8 shape out using 2 circle cutters. Attach to your Owl.
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Roll out two flattened balls of orange colour and attach to your Owl
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(The above photo is a perfect example to show you how bad something can look as you’re making it. You have to think of figurine modelling as building blocks…. it can look awful at a certain point in time, but as you add all the layers it magically comes together at the end. Don’t despair! It happens to me most of the time and I think what I’m making is going to look awful…but somehow towards the end the figure takes shape!) Love his ‘fried egg’ eyes?!!!
Roll out two thin sausages of black for the eyebrows
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It can be quite tricky to apply the eyebrows to the owl. Black fondant is notoriously difficult to work with! It can also smudge and discolour your figurine. To apply the eyebrows and get the shape we’re after, carefully add a small amount of water/edible glue above the eyes and gently place the eyebrow. Use a modelling tool to mould the eyebrow into the desired shape – if you use your fingers, it is easy to get black onto them and end up making black smudges around the eyes.
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Also attach a black triangle for the nose and mark in the eyes with a black edible marker.
Using your marker, colour in black stripes on the wings and then attach to the Owl’s body.
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Roll and cut three small strips of orange fondant and stick together for the feet.
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Stick onto the log and then stick your Owl on top (I have used half a toothpick in the log and Owl to join them together. You may omit this step if you feel it is dangerous for the kids)
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I ended up making balloons for the Gruffalo and Owl to hold which was simply done by cutting a circle of pink gum/sugar paste and stretching one end to make it a balloon shape, sticking on a heart and then gently inserting some florist’s wire before letting it dry and harden.
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