Огромная благодарность Автору scoochmaroo за Мастер-класс
Temper Chocolate
First, you'll want to get your chocolate into temper for pouring.
This is easy: just follow
this tutorial!
I used both milk and dark chocolate for this sculpture
Ice Bucket Method
I poured one batch of chocolate into ice packed into an ice bucket.
The chocolate did not flow very deeply into the ice, but did provide me with a nice base for my other pieces.
Sink Method
The next thing I tried was pouring the ice more loosely into my sink.
I then poured in the tempered chocolate and mixed it around with the ice.
Again, not at all like what they did in the video, but still produced some neat shapes.
Putting it all together
I stacked my various pieces into interesting shapes.
Once I decided it looked more like coral than a tree, I went about decorating it with candy to look like seaweed and fishes.
The shadows in the picture go a long way to help describe the texture of the finished sculpture.