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По умолчанию Iceland poppies tutorial
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Iceland poppies

Iceland poppies
All the splendor and warmth of orange and red poppies, together with leaves, assemble a very original and colorful set lor an informal, funny wedding party.
■ 14-cm diameter round cake
• 20-cm diameter round cake
• 26-cm diameter round cake
• 32-cm diameter cake board
• Sugarpaste I rolled fondant, uncolored
• Royal icing, white and orange
• Gum paste/flower paste, uncolored, green and red
• Paste food coloring, green and orange
• Colors of petal dust yellow, orange and red
•Yellow thread
• Floristry wire
•Floristry tape, green

Coat the cakes and the board with uncolored sugarpasre (see page 8). Arrange the cakes in layers and stick them together, and to the board, with royal icing Using a piping bag with white royal icing, decorate the base of each cake with some tufts. With a small paper with orange-colored icing, pipe some dots and details on the surface (a). To prepare the Iceland poppies, make a small cone of green gum paste; mark the base with a stick and wire it Wind up several rounds of thread, secure with a wire and cut one of the ends. Place the bundle of thread surrounding the green center (b).
Roll out uncolored gum paste, leaving it thicker at the center. Cut out the petals, two small ones and two large ones for each flower Stamp them with a tool for petals. Refine and curl the edges with a celstick. Wire the petals and allow to dry.
Paint the petals with color dust in yellow, orange and red; make some flowers darker than others |d). Set out four petals around the center and secure with f foristry tape. Form some cones with gum paste; wire them and allow to dry. Roll out paste and cut out two petals. Stamp them and thin the edges. Attach the petals around the cone. Model two small cones of green gum paste and flatten them. Place them at the base of the cone as sepals. Once dried, paint the petals with color dust in yellow and orange, and the sepals with green paste coloring (el Roll out green gum paste and cut the leaves. Mark the veins and rub the edges with a ball tool . Wire the leaves and let dry. Paint the leaves with green paste coloring, and orange at the borders. To assemble the stalks of Virginia creepers, duster the leaves in fives and secure them together Add some little coils made of brown-tinted wire .

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Make some other poppy leaves, following the method above, but with the difference that these are not veined
The berries are little balls of red gum paste, wired and stamped on one end. Form clusters of several berries . Assemble the sprays with the poppies at the center, surrounded by clusters of leaves and berries The buds are placed in the upper section of the arrangement
Note: For the bouquets on this cake you will need 5 poppies, 4 buds, 5 clusters of three poppy leaves, 3 clusters of b Virginia leaves and 24 red berries.

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