Старый 05.10.2012, 10:03
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По умолчанию МК лепка "Колизей" -Making The Colosseum Wedding Cake Topper
Огромная благодарность Автору Tasha за Мастер-класс

I was asked to make a model of the Roman Colosseum with bride in dress, gladiator groom and Welsh dragon on the wall. What an exciting prospect…then I had to think about and plan the best way to construct it! Luckily I could get all the pictures and scale information I needed for the building from the Internet. Scale was important to get the wall heights and widths as accurate as possible so the model did not look odd. The plans are layed out below:
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The base of the model was made from a pastillage circle about 7.5″ diameter and the walls from mexican paste (the model was requested to be about 7″diameter). I chose mexican paste for the walls as it dries hard but you have longer to work with it. The various stages of construction are shown below:
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The arches were cut out using a tiny square and circle cutters, the end of one of the PME mini modelling tools sets for small square windows and the circular broderie anglaise cutter for small circular windows. Cling film was used to cover up the parts not being worked on so they did not dry out too fast.
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The tallest wall section had floristry wires inserted between the arches for extra support as the model was not being consumed.
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The detail work was added with royal icing and mexican paste.
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The colour was added with an airbrush and painting with caramel/ivory and grey:
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The two pastillage pillars were put in at the beginning for supporting the pastillage platform for the models. Now it makes sense why they were there!
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Next the models were made and added, and here is the final result…
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