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Огромная благодарность Автору cakefixation

When I want perfectly spaced stripes, like this sweet cake I made for Mother's Day, this is how I do it.

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Start by tracing around your cake pan onto a piece of parchment or wax paper. Cut out your circle and fold in half. Fold the paper in half two more times. The more folds you make, the more stripes you will have.
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Размер: 29.2 Кб
Unfold your paper and secure it to the cake with a pin. Using the folds as a guide, mark your cake with a ruler or straight edge.
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Sprinkle your surface with powdered sugar, roll out your fondant and cut the stripes with a ribbon cutter.
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Размер: 25.5 Кб
Glue strips of fondant to your cake using gum glue. Use a ruler to straighten the stripes if needed.

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