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По умолчанию How to make a pug face cupcake
Огромная благодарность Shereen's Cakes & Bakes за Мастер-класс
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Размер: 107.0 Кб
What you need: Flesh coloured sugarpaste - mix cream and chestnut colours, dark brown sugarpaste, black sugarpaste, pink sugarpaste, cupcake, circle cutter that fits on the cupcake, brown tint powder & black tint powder, soft paint brush, quilting tool, ball tool, shell tool
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ice your cupcake in the middle and cut a round disk for your cupcake - about 4mm thick
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cover your cupcake and using some dark brown make a mouth shape as pictured
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work fast iwth your sugarpaste so it's warm and 'tacky' so you don't need glue, it will just stick to the cupcake, put the mouth on as pictured and shape a tongue from pink paste
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attach your tongue and use the quilting tool to make a little line in it
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add the snout
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make some lines in the snout and some little dots with your ball tool
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use your large ball tool to indent the top of the snout for the nose to fit in to. Roll a sausage shape as pictured and stick across the top and side of the snout
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repeat sausage shape for under the mouth
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Add some icing above both eyes and use your shell tool to make little hair effects on the icing
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roll some more sausage shapes and stick them above the eyes ... bring down into cheeks and around the mouth ... see the left hand side
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there should be a little gap on each side of the face make a litte shape to fit in and texture it too
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fill all spaces on the cupcake with folds/rolls as I did with this chin
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add a piece right at the top between the eyes and use your blade tool to make grooves in it for the forehead
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shape some ears using your hands, they don't have to be identical
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attach your ears and add a little sugarpaste at the top of each ear to blend in with the face
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Add tiny little white icing dots to the eyes for character and using your soft brush, dust first black around the eyes and then brown around the eyes and just in the folds to give a little depth
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I used some confectioners varnish for the eyes and nose to shine them up a little bit

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