Тема: роза,rose,
Старый 13.09.2010, 09:31
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По умолчанию роза,rose,
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1..The Beginning..

All flowers begin with the paste, which can then be coloured to that of your choice. Also all flowers are edible except for when wires and stamens are used. However I personally wouldn't recommend eating them as the dry very hard and taste horrible..

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2..Cutting The Petals..

Petal paste needs to be thin enough to read through. Once cut to avoid drying out it needs to be placed under a mat..

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3..Thinning & Frilling the Petals..

A ball tool is used to thin the edges of the petals, frilling them as you go. Then each petal is attached to the bud, in a spiral movement.

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4..Different Stages..From Bud To Bloom..

Depending on whether you are making a bud, half open rose or fully open bloom, determines how many petals you make. On average a full bloom will consist of at least 50 petals. Each stage needs to dry before proceeding with the next stage. A rose can take as many as 3 days to complete. Also once the rose is complete, you need to make a caylx and attach this to the base of the flower....

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5..Dusting The Petals..

The dusting stage needs to be applied carefully as too little dust will give no effect, however too much dust will ruin the delicate effect. After the dust has been applied, you glaze the flower. This can be done by holding it over a kettle for a couple of seconds, or dipping it into a glaze..

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6 The Final Bouquet..

Once you have made enough flowers, you can create a floral arrangment such as I have.

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