Гортензия,Дафна, Hydrangea, hortenzie, Dafna flower,Hortensie, ortensia, hortensia
11.05.2016, 10:30
Регистрация: 10.03.2016
Сообщений: 1,030
Assembling the hydrangea flowers
Now that your buds are dry, it's time to put everything together. Each flower will need four petals.
Use a tiny bit of glue* on the petal and glue on to you bud. Glue the next petal on the opposite side and then add the final two petals. Hang upside down to dry as shown in photos 16-21.
*Edible glue is tylose and water mixed together. If you don't have this, other options include using egg white, a diluted piping gel, or water. Be careful not to use too much.
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