Тема: роза,rose,
Старый 07.07.2015, 15:54
Arishenka Arishenka вне форума
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Огромная благодарность Little Apple Cakes за Мастер-класс

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Размер: 69.5 Кб

Название: 2.jpg
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Размер: 102.6 Кб

1. For this project you will need: tweezers, 26 gauge wire with a hook and a pea size piece of gumpaste.

2. Start by pinching a U with the tweezers, pinch small pieces of gumpaste, that way you will get thin ruffle petals.

3. Pinch another U on the opposite side, this represents the first two rose petals, and you are creating the overlapping effect.

4. In a zig-zag motion pinch a row all around the rose. One pinch down, one pinch up all the way around.
Название: 3.jpg
Просмотров: 1

Размер: 123.7 Кб

5. Do the same for the next row, pinch in a zig-zag motion all the way around.

6. Your little rose is done. Aren't they cute?

7. Tape them in bunches of three,

8. Tape 2-3 bunches together. Be creative and please share your work with me.
Название: 4.jpg
Просмотров: 3

Размер: 69.5 Кб

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