Имитация cтруктуры дерева из мастики-Fondant Wood Staining Effect
19.05.2015, 10:56
Регистрация: 28.01.2015
Сообщений: 567
Огромная благодарность
за Мастер-класс
You will need...
Roll out the fondant over the cake board and remove the excess.
Using a ruler, create carvings and use the ruler's width to measure how far apart they'll be.
Still, using the ruler, finish the carvings
Use the fondant tools for the final touch.
Prepare the wide and narrow brush, brown and black edible color and vodka. You can use vodka to dilute the colors .
Dip the top of brush in the brown color....
.... and drag the lines as shown.
Continue over the entire surface. It doesn't have to be perfect, just play
Now dip the brush in the vodka...
.and move it over the entire surface.
Take a smaller brush and dip it in black and partly in brown color.
Highlight the carvings.
add little marks to make it look more realistic.
Brush the surface with a brush dipped in vodka.
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