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Огромная благодарность Wendy Schlagwein за Мастер-класс

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Baby booties tutorial.
Roll out 80g of pink fondant in to a sausage shape.
Make an indentation around a third of the way along.
Pinch all the way round to create an oval opening with raised edges.
For the trim, roll out white fondant and cut off a strip 3cm by 13cm.
Create ridges with a knife or threaded rod.
Attach the strip around the stand up edge.
Shape 4g of black into an oval and attach it into the bootie.
Make indentations to create the effect of padded lining.
Roughen up the pink bootees with a needeltool.
Make the bears head wit 13g pink fondant.
Roll out a pear shape.
Flatten the smaler end slightly so the nose sticks out a bit.
Score a line over the entire length of the head.
Use the scallop tool to draw the smile.
Make two tiny holes for the eyes and fix two tiny balls of black in place.
Attach a tiny black oval nose.
Stick the heads on the bootees.
Make small bows and stick them on.

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