МК лепка "Хэллоуин" -Halloween cake toppers step by step
19.10.2014, 17:43
Регистрация: 23.04.2014
Сообщений: 207
Step 24:
Find an arrangement that looks good on the figure’s head as the hairdo. I attached one flower to the lower back of the head. And then the other overlapping it as the top and front of the hair. Arrange the shape of the flower petals as the hair dries until you have a shape you like.
Step 25:
Make a simple hat with a flat circle and a small cone. I used my small piping tip to mold the cone shape for the hat. Attach them together with water.
Step 26:
Decorate your witch’s hat brim, sleeves and dress in any way you like. I used a rolling cutter that makes a crimped edge to create decorative strips and attached them with water.
Step 27:
This is how my witch looks after adding the decorative details to her outfit and attaching the tiny hat with water.
Step 28:
As a final touch, add something cute for your witch to hold. I made a simple back cat. Other ideas include a spell book, cauldron, candy corn or pumpkin. Allow her to dry in a cool, dark place for a few days and place her on your Halloween cake!
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