paint a line over the black eye
do the eyelashes. I really don't like this bit lol
sugarflair baby blue and vodka mix.Useanother fine brush
paint the blue around the black
draw the blue around the black and then do the eyebrows
pink dust colour for the cheeks
circular movements and dust lightsly. Dust inside the mouth as well.
ahh legs! roll two balls the same size
flatten them
flatten the balls and then pinch top down at one end
Cut the paws
define the crease
do the other one the same way
glue one leg
add the other one
roll 2 sausages fromyour balls and flatten a bit
we are doing the hands
Indent the paws. I again use myknife and the wedge toll
attach to the body
I was not happy with the eyebrows so i ''deleted'' them lol
use a clean brush and vodka. Brush the eyebrow. wipe brush on tissue, dip in vodka, brush, wipe...
paint again
roll a ball of white fondant and then punch it. Take it all out on the tail lol
well, at least I did x
attach to the body
here is your bunny
Have i missed anything? if so then ask away xxx
hope you enjoyed this short tutorial
thank you