Cake Decorating Tutorials  (How To's) Tortas Paso a Paso
Cake Decorating Tutorials (How To's) Tortas Paso a Paso
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Перезагрузить страницу Мк Яйцо филигрань из королевской глазури -Royal Icing filigree egg tutorial
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По умолчанию Мк Яйцо филигрань из королевской глазури -Royal Icing filigree egg tutorial
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Plastic egg
Rolling pin
Gum paste and/or fondant
Cutting tools
Paper towels
pipng bags
Couplers and tips 1,2,3
Royal icing
Small container for water

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Use Gum paste or fondant. Roll apste thin. Use preferred cutter to cut stips. You can use as many bones as you like.
Bottom piece has been placed in Styrofoam and must be pushed in to avoid inside ledge.
It is important to put a strip around the bottom edge joining the bones.Allow to dry.

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Using tip 1 or 2 desired pattern between the bones makinf sure that the pipe work touches the bones in as many areas as possible.

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You can boarder the bones just for added texture and design.
Note: Use your pain brush and water to insure there are no points sticking up on your pipe work.
Allow to dry well.

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When dried,air brush egg in pearl luster dust.

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The bottom stand was made from pastillage and air brushed with gold luster dust.

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Measure the inside diameter of the egg and then cut a circle the same size. You can liave it full or use your favorite cutter to create a more open look.
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This is a great place to add another sugar piece.
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