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Перезагрузить страницу как украсить бока тортика рюшами-Ruffle Cake Tutorial V2
Старый 27.07.2011, 10:51
Ariana Ariana вне форума
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По умолчанию как украсить бока тортика рюшами-Ruffle Cake Tutorial V2
спасибо огромное iammommy за МК

So I made the "tutorial" ruffle cake in blue. Turquoise more like it. But next time, it will for sure be pink. I am dying to see this in pink, I don't know why on earth I picked turquoise!
Boy, I sure know how to sell something don't I?
Название: ruffle cake tutorial.jpg
Просмотров: 11

Размер: 133.4 Кб
This cake took about eight minutes to decorate.
Название: ruffle cake tutorial2.jpg
Просмотров: 12

Размер: 100.6 Кб
Simply grab a #401 tip. I got mine from Ateco, but I think other cake decorating distributors have them as well. (It looks similar to a half moon shape.)
Название: ruffle cake tutorial3.jpg
Просмотров: 12

Размер: 109.1 Кб
Holding the tip upside down (so the slit is on the bottom) simply apply gentle pressure to the bag and move upwards on the cake.
Название: ruffle cake tutorial4.jpg
Просмотров: 11

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You can apply a little pressure or a lot depending on your mood!
Название: ruffle cake tutorial5.jpg
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You can see that I changed up my pressure throughout and got a few different effects. Some of the ruffles are loose and some are tighter.

Название: ruffle cake tutorial6.jpg
Просмотров: 9

Размер: 125.4 Кб

I have to admit. I did not take my time and give the blue cake 'my all'. I tried a bit harder on the Ultimate Dessert Cake and I think it is much more uniform.
Название: ruffle cake tutorial7.jpg
Просмотров: 12

Размер: 165.3 Кб
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