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After so many of you asking how I do it here it is....
With a tip 18 and an 18 inch bag pipe up and down the side of the cake.
Continue all the way around the cake.
With a large metal angled spatula and VERY hot water...dry the spatula and go around the cake...in sections till is all done
With the smooth side of a viva towel rub the cake all the way around pushing any air bubbles up.
With the smooth side of the viva towel round the edges with your fingers.
With the viva towel and a fondant paddle smooth the side of the cake.
With the tip 18 fill the top of the cake.
With a VERY hot angle spatula smooth the top of the cake.
Continue the until top all done with the hot spatula.
With the smooth side of the viva towel and your hand smooth the top and the edge blending the edge well.
With the smooth side of the viva towel and the fondant paddle smooth the top and the sides one final time.
This 11 inch tier is all done and ready to stack, decorate or refrigerate. I like to refrigerate for a while before I add any decoration or stacking.