Cake Decorating Tutorials  (How To's) Tortas Paso a Paso
Cake Decorating Tutorials (How To's) Tortas Paso a Paso
Старый 18.09.2014, 12:46
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По умолчанию Ruched Cake Tutorial
Огромная благодарность Lacey Todd за Мастер-класс
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To start, I baked, leveled, filled, and frosted a six-inch cake. Then I covered it with a layer of Satin Ice vanilla fondant that I had tinted pink (with a little bit of golden yellow food coloring added in). Then I attached the pleated sections with piping gel.

To make each pleated section, I rolled out a long, thin strip of fondant, folded the rough edges under, and then laid it over a dowel to make the center pleat. Then I pinched both of the ends and attached the strip to the cake.

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I chose a spot in the top/front to be my central point, which is where I connected the top of each strip. I started in the front and worked my way around to the back, alternating from one side to the other as I added the pleated strips.

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As you can see, I wasn't very careful joining the strips in the center because I knew that I would be covering this part with a flower later on.

I chose a point in the back on the bottom to be my second meeting point for the pleated strips. In hindsight, I might have put a bow or something over this section.

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After I had added pleats around the whole cake, I decided to drape a piece of fondant from the spot where the pleated strips met. I rounded the bottom edge of the strip and let it hang freely, without pinching the bottom edge or tucking it under.

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Lastly, I added the rose. I didn't take any photos of this step because I sort of rushed through it, but making fondant/gumpaste flowers is not really my forte anyway. :-)

Here is the finished cake:

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