Cake Decorating Tutorials  (How To's) Tortas Paso a Paso

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Старый 27.04.2014, 19:23
Регистрация: 23.04.2014
Сообщений: 513
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Огромная благодарность Petal Crafts за Мастер-класс

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Просмотров: 0

Размер: 17.1 Кб
Roll yellow gum paste on a non-stick petal board and cut using the petal cutter
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Размер: 23.6 Кб

Insert a #30 floral wire at the base and vein using the petal veiner in the Petal Crafts Lemboglossum cutter set
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Размер: 27.8 Кб

Score a line on the back middle of the petal using a needle tool
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Размер: 17.1 Кб

Pinch the tip and shape the petal on a petal foam former. Let dry completely for at least 24 hours.
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Размер: 14.2 Кб

Paint random stripes throughout the petal using brown gel paste and 10/0 detail nylon brush. Make 3 sepals and 2 petals for each flower using the same technique discussed.
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Размер: 21.6 Кб

Roll some pale purple gum paste and cut using the throat cutter
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Размер: 18.4 Кб

Attach a #30 floral wire on the top of the throat and pinch 2 parallel lines in the middle using an angled tweezer.
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Размер: 14.1 Кб

Make a small teardrop of yellow gum paste and attach it to the top of the throat. Score a line in the middle using the needle tool.
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Размер: 23.5 Кб

Place the throat on the edge of a petal foam pad and rock the side of a needle tool back and forth to frill.
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Размер: 18.3 Кб

Let the throat completely dry on a petal foam former. Dust the yellow part of the throat with Petal Crafts Buttercup petal dust
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Размер: 14.9 Кб

Dust the sides with Amethyst or Grape petal dust.
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Размер: 20.1 Кб

This is how the finished throat looks like
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make enough throat, sepals and petals for 3 to 5 open flowers for each branch.
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Размер: 13.8 Кб

Make a tiny teardrop of yellow gum paste.
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Размер: 10.5 Кб

Insert a #26 floral wire on the thicker base and pinch about half way while rolling the wire back and forth.
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Размер: 12.5 Кб

This will create to elongate the base of the bud. Make 5 to 7 buds for each orchid branch. Let the buds completely dry and paint random stripes just like in the petals and sepals described above.
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Размер: 13.8 Кб

Make a tiny teardrop using a white gum paste. Let the teardrop dry and dust with Aubergine petal dust.
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Размер: 14.1 Кб

Place the purple teardrop on top of the throat as shown. Use half a width floral tape to attach.
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Размер: 22.1 Кб

Attach the two orchid petals on the 2 and 10 o'clock position of the throat. Use half a width floral tape.
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Attach the sepal on the 12, 5 and 7 o'clock position of the throat.
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This is how the finished open flower looks like
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Размер: 23.6 Кб

Arrange the buds in varying heights to a #24 or 22 floral wire. Shape the wires so that it makes nice fluid movements as shown.
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Размер: 103.4 Кб

Attach 3 to 5 open flowers on the branch...
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Старый 27.04.2014, 19:35
Регистрация: 23.04.2014
Сообщений: 513

Огромная благодарность Petal Crafts за Мастер-класс

Название: 1.jpg
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Размер: 20.9 Кб
Roll Chartreuse gumpaste on a non-stick board making the bottom slightly thicker. Cut the lateral petal using Petal Crafts Cymbidium cutter set.
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Размер: 16.5 Кб

Thickness should be just enough for the floral wire to be accommodated without protruding on either side.
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Размер: 18.8 Кб

Dip the tip of a 4" #26 floral wire in edible glue and insert to the base of the petal. Pinch to close the hole
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Размер: 21.3 Кб

Place the petal on the lateral petal veiner and press using even pressure.
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Размер: 31.6 Кб

Make 2 petals for each flower and dry in a Large single petal flower former. From the petal so that one leans to the right and the other to the left.
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Старый 27.04.2014, 19:36
Регистрация: 23.04.2014
Сообщений: 513
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Размер: 27.4 Кб
Repeat step 1 except use the dorsal petal cutter. This is the cutter that has a notch in the middle as shown.
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Размер: 24.8 Кб

Place the petal on a petal foam pad and thin the edges of the petal using a ball too
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Размер: 22.2 Кб
Place the petal on the Cymbidium dorsal petal veiner and press using even pressure
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Размер: 25.3 Кб
Return the petal on the foam pad and use a dresden tool to draw a line on the center of the flower.
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Старый 27.04.2014, 19:38
Регистрация: 23.04.2014
Сообщений: 513
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Название: 10.jpg
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Размер: 32.7 Кб
Dry the petal on a foam flower former for at least 24 hours. Make 3 of this petal for each flower
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Размер: 23.2 Кб
Dust the petal with Lime green or Chartreuse petal dust and shimmer with a little pearl luster dust to give it a dewy look
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Размер: 50.8 Кб
Arrange the petals so that the 2 lateral petals are placed on the 2 o'clock and 10 o'clock position. Place the 3 dorsal petals in the 12, 7 & 5 o'clock positions.
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Размер: 25.6 Кб
Bend each of the petals to a 30 degree angle using a needle nosed plier. DO NOT bend the petals by pushing on the petal as it may snap and break.
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Размер: 18.5 Кб
Press some yellow gum paste in the notch of the Cymbidium throat mold
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Размер: 16.6 Кб
Brush a little edible glue on top.
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Размер: 20.9 Кб
Press some cream colored gumpaste in the crevice of the other pair of the throat mold.
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Размер: 18.1 Кб
Press the 2 together using even pressure.

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Размер: 23.5 Кб
Release the top mold and check if the 2 parts are pressed together.
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Старый 27.04.2014, 19:41
Регистрация: 23.04.2014
Сообщений: 513
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Название: 19.jpg
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Размер: 23.5 Кб
Insert a moistened #26 floral wire on the base of the cast.
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Размер: 20.2 Кб
Release the cast and taper the base towards the wire stem by pinching using your forefinger and thumb.
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Размер: 23.8 Кб
Dust the sides with poppy red or raspberry petal dust
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Размер: 23.0 Кб

Draw random dots on the backside of the cast using a 10/0 detail brush and red-red gel paste.
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Размер: 30.2 Кб
Rolls some white gum paste on a non-stick board with even thickness, about 1/16". Cut using the throat cutter in the Petal Crafts Cymbidium cutter set
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Размер: 25.2 Кб
Thin the edges using a ball tool.
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Размер: 37.4 Кб
Make a yellow sausage shape with yellow gum paste with both ends tapered to a point. Use a needle tool to bend the shape from the middle. Attach the tongue on the middle of the throat with edible glue.
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Размер: 26.0 Кб
Brush some edible glue on the upper part of the throat.
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Размер: 27.5 Кб
Hold the throat with your forefinger and thumb and attach it to the upper part as shown.
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Размер: 26.8 Кб
Make sure that the upper part of the throat is centered.
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Open the throat so that tongue can be seen
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Размер: 22.1 Кб
Let the throat dry for at least 24 hours and paint random dots and lip details using a 10/0 detail brush and red-red gel paste.
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Размер: 23.0 Кб

Attach the throat to the petals using half width floral tape.
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Старый 16.12.2014, 18:29
Регистрация: 02.12.2014
Сообщений: 396
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Огромная благодарность Alessandra Frisoni за Мастер-класс
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Размер: 199.2 Кб
Prepara le tre torte, farciscile, livellale con la crema al burro e falle riposare una notte in frigorifero. Rivestile con della pasta di zucchero bianca e assemblale incollandole tra di loro con un po’ di ghiaccia reale.
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Размер: 60.7 Кб
Prepara una sac à poche con un beccuccio a stella. Rifinisci i bordi inferiori di ogni torta con un decoro simile a quello che vedi in foto.
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Размер: 90.0 Кб
Piega le parti terminali dei ferretti per fiori ed inserisci una piccola porzione di pasta rosa. Incidila con l'apposito attrezzo come da foto.
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Размер: 133.5 Кб
Stendi una sfoglia sottile di pasta rosa e ritaglia con l'apposito cutter la parte centrale dell'orchidea.

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Размер: 100.3 Кб
Fora la parte centrale dell’orchidea ed inserisci il pistillo precedentemente preparato. Chiudila come da foto e falla seccare.

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Размер: 55.4 Кб
Stendi una sfoglia sottile di pasta rosa e ricava i tre petali più piccoli dell'orchidea. Passali nel venatore per orchidee.
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Размер: 72.0 Кб
Stendi una sfoglia sottile di pasta rosa e ricava i tre petali più piccoli dell'orchidea. Passali nel venatore per orchidee.
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Размер: 111.5 Кб

Stendi della pasta rosa sul celboards per realizzare l'incavo che ti servirà per inserire il ferretto. Taglia due petali con il cutter più grande.
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Размер: 51.4 Кб
Infila il ferretto nell'incavo precedentemente preparato e passa i petali nel venatore apposito come da foto. Fai seccare il tutto.
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Размер: 86.2 Кб

Unisci ora il pistillo, ormai secco, ai due petali più grandi e assemblali con la guttaperca.
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Размер: 66.5 Кб
Unisci le tre foglie più piccole alle quali avrai precedentemente forato il centro per riuscire nell'operazione. Incollale al resto dell'orchidea con un po’ di colla edibile.
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Размер: 63.5 Кб
Sfuma le estremità del fiore, ormai asciutto, con il colore in polvere di una tonalità più scura rispetto a quello usato per realizzare l'orchidea.
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Размер: 65.9 Кб

Passa il colore in polvere verde sul pistillo centrale del fiore.
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Размер: 59.1 Кб

Realizza allo stesso modo anche le orchidee bianche. Sfumale nella stessa maniera delle precedenti ma usando dei colori in polvere di una tonalità più chiara (rosa) .
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Размер: 67.4 Кб

Realizza allo stesso modo anche le orchidee bianche. Sfumale nella stessa maniera delle precedenti ma usando dei colori in polvere di una tonalità più chiara (rosa) .
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Размер: 49.0 Кб

Realizza per tempo e fai seccare bene molti fiori di diverse tonalità di colore e di varie dimensioni.
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Размер: 52.0 Кб
Piega ad occhiello la parte terminale di un ferretto per fiori ed inserisci la pasta di zucchero verde. Modellala a forma di cono.
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Размер: 64.4 Кб
Ricava con il cutter per i petali di orchidea due petali di pasta di zucchero verde e passali nel venatore.
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Размер: 66.7 Кб

Avvolgi i due petali intorno al bocciolo preparato in precedenza. Fai seccare il tutto con cura. Sfuma, infine, i boccioli con i colori in polvere usati per l'orchidea.
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Размер: 61.9 Кб

Inizia assemblando le orchidee più grandi in alto e procedi scendendo in direzione del centro della torta usando le più piccole. Alterna sempre i colori e incollale con un po’ di ghiaccia reale. Inserisci qua e là qualche bocciolo.
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Размер: 73.1 Кб
Termina la parte finale di ogni ramo con le orchidee più piccole seguite da un bocciolo.
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Размер: 47.5 Кб
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Старый 26.01.2015, 15:15
Регистрация: 02.12.2014
Сообщений: 396
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Огромная благодарность Little Sugar Boutique за Мастер-классНазвание: 1.jpg
Просмотров: 0

Размер: 47.7 Кб
To make my Cymbidium Orchids will need.....

•White flower paste or gum paste
•Edible glue (I make my own with tylose powder)
•Dusting colours
•Foam mat
•Veining tool
•Ball or bone tool
•Orchid cutters
•Orchid petal veined
•Rolling pin
•Florist wire
•Florist tape
•Various sized paintbrushes
•Egg box •Corn flour
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Размер: 48.6 Кб
1. For the buds take a small ball of flower paste and roll it into a ball

2. Pinch the end of the ball to make in into a cone shape

3. Gently push the end of the cone to one side so it bends

4. Use the veining took to score three lines around the bud from the tip of the cone to the bottom

5. Take a piece of wire covered in florist tape and bend the top to make a tiny hook shape. Dip into the edible glue and insert into the bottom of the bud.

6. Make as many as you need then set aside to dry. These will be dusted later.
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Размер: 56.1 Кб
For the Orchid throats..,,

1. For the throat first take a small ball of flower paste and roll it into a sausage shape

2. Bend one end of the sausage over and use you fingers to pinch the other end in slightly so that it is fattest at the bended end

3. Push you finger against the bended end to make it flat

4. Take another tiny ball of flower paste. Score it across the middle with the veining tool so that it slightly flattens your ball. Brush with glue and stick to the bended end of the throat

5. Dip a piece of wire in the glue and push into the throat so your bended end is at the top

6. Make as many as you need (1 per orchid) and set aside.
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Размер: 83.9 Кб
For the Orchid lip....

1. Thinly roll out your flower paste using a dusting of cornflower to stop it sticking to your work surface

2. Cut out the lip using your orchid cutter

3. Use the ball or bone tool to soften the edges

4. Use the ball or bone tool in the centre of lip until it start to form a cup shape

5. Make one lip for each of your throats. Leave to dry for a few minutes.
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Размер: 40.8 Кб
Assemble the throat and lip...

1. Brush the base of the throat with glue

2. Push the wire through the back (widest part) of the lip about 3mm in from the edge

3. Wrap the overhanging 3mm of paste around the back of the throat to secure it

4. Use your fingers to shape it.
Вложение 102139
Leaving the flowers to dry....

1. Take a large egg box and pierce a hole in the bottom of each cavity with a cocktail stick. Balance the box on a couple of glasses so it is elevated

2. Push the wired flowers through the holes so that the lip is sitting in the cavity

3. Leave to dry for a few hours or overnight. These will be dusted and painted later.
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Размер: 112.8 Кб
To make the orchid petals...

1. Roll out your flower paste to about 1.5mm thick

2. Using a thin rolling pin, frilling stick or bamboo stick start from the middle and roll the paste out on both sides so you are left with a ridge down the centre

3. Place your straight petal cutter so that the thickest part of the flower paste is in the centre of the petal and cut out one per orchid
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Размер: 65.8 Кб
4. Vein the petal using your orchid petal veiner

5. Gently soften the edges using the ball or bone tool. You can manipulate the shape slightly to make it less 'perfect' if desired
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Размер: 75.3 Кб
Dip a wire in edible glue and insert into the thick part of the petal. Gently push in about 5mm

7. Leave to dry over the back if a teaspoon to give it a more natural curved shape

8. Repeat this process for the other petals/sepals. You will need 5 in total per orchid. Check which shapes are in your cutter set. As a general rule you will need one straight slightly wider petal for the back sepal and four smaller, slightly curved petals. I would suggest looking at some photos of real orchids as there are so many different varieties!
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Размер: 114.2 Кб
To dust the buds....

1. Starting at the base blend a dark green petal dust about half way up the bud. Dust the score lines all the way up using a flat edge brush

2. Using a pale pink dust start at the top and blend down halfway to meet the green

3. Use a deeper pink dust to go over the green score lines and shade parts of the bud to give it some depth

4. Take a nude colour dust and apply to the whole bud using circular motions to blend all the colours and mute them to give a more natural look

5. You can now steam the buds over a saucepan of water if you want to give them a subtle sheen.
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Размер: 68.0 Кб
To dust the petals....

1. Rough dust the petal using long strokes in pink

2. Add shading and a line up the centre using a darker pink or magenta dust

3. Blend the colours using a nude dust
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Размер: 76.3 Кб
To dust the throat and lip...

1. Dust the back and top of the throat with the dark pink or magenta

2. Use the same colour to dust the edges of the lip blending on towards to middle

3. Add some lighter pink and yellow accents in the centre of the lip

4. Use some of the darker pink mixed with vodka to paint on the details
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Размер: 80.3 Кб
To assemble the Orchid...

1. Wire three petals together in a triangle using florist tape

2. Add the next two petals

3. Wire in the throat and lip

4. Wire buds together

5. Wire orchid to buds
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Размер: 38.8 Кб

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anlegget, anläggning, armado de los ramos, arranjo, artesanatos passo a passo, augalas, baking, biljka, bitki, blad, blade, blader, bladeren, blatt, bloem, bloemen, blomma, blommor, blomst, blomster, blume, blumen, blüten, blütenpaste, blätter, boeket, bouquet, buchet, buket, bukett, bukiet, buquê, cake decorating, cake decorating techniques, cattleya, cerâmica plástica, chiodi di garofano, clavo de olor, clous de girofle, cloves, cold porcelain, cold porcelain figurines, cold porcelain flowers, confeitando bolos, csokor, cukrinių gėlių, curso completo de flores, curso de modelado, cvijet, cvijeće, cypripedium calceolus, decoracion de pasteles, decoración de tortas, decorare le torte, decorazioni, deko fondant, dekorace na dort, dekoracija, dekoracije, dekorasyon, dekorácie, el abc del armado de ramos, feuille, feuilles, fimo, fimo flowers, fiore, fiori, fleurs, floare, flogistica, flor, floral inspirations, flores, flores azucar, flores e folhas, flori, floristics, floristik, floristikk, floristique, florística, flower, flower paste, flowering plants, flowers, flowers on a wire, foglia, foglie, folha, folhas, folhas pintadas, fondan, fondant, fondente, fotopostup, frunze, gelber frauenschuh, gum pasta, gum paste, gum paste flowers, gumpaste, gumpaste cymbidium orchid tutorial, gumpaste flowers class, gėlė, gėlės, hand painting, handmodelliert, hideg porcelán, hladno porculan, hoja, hojas, how to, how tцветы на проволоке, impianto, kaldt porselen, kallt porslin, kalt porzellan, kasvi, kolde porcelæn, koud porselein, kukka, kukkakimppu, kukkia, kvetina, kvety, květina, květiny, kwiat, kwiaty, kylmä posliini, kytica, lapai, lapas, leaf, leaves, lehdet, lehti, levelek, levél, list, listí, lišće, liście, liść, lístia, making sugar flowers, mazzo, modellierpaste, modelləşdirmə, modelovanie, modelování, modelowanie, montando, motivtorten, nelken, növény, oasis o esponja de floristeria, obuwik pospolity, orchid, orchidea, orchidee, orchidej, orchidée, orchidėja, orhidee, orhideja, orkide, orkidea, orkidé, orquídea, pap, papucul doamnei, paso a paso, passo a passo, passo-a-passo, pasta flexible, pflanze, phalaenopsis, plant, planta, plante, plantes, plantă, pocelana fria, polymer clay, polymer clay flowers tutorial, porcelaine froide, porcelana fria, porcelana fría, porcellana fredda, postup klinček, postup na orchideu, postupak za ukrasavanje, puokštė, ramo, rastlina, rece porţelan, rododendron, rostlina, roślina, sabot de vénus, schritt für schritt anleitung, schritt-für-schritt, sculpey flowers, sculpting, simple, soğuk porselen, stamens, steg for steg, step by step, step-by-step, stor fruesko, strauß, studený porcelán, styrofoam, střevíčník pantoflíček, sugar cane flowers, sugar cloves, sugar flower, sugar flowers, sugar flowers for cake decorating, sugar paste flowers, sugarcraft, sugarpaste, sukker art, tecnicas de decoracion, tecniche, thai flowers, torte, torte decorate, torten dekorieren, torti, trin for trin, trin-for-trin, trinn for trinn, tutorial, tutorijal, ukrašavanje torti, uputstvo za dekoraciju, virág, virágok, wedding cake, wedding cakes, wire, yaprak, yapraklar, zimno porcelany, zuckerblumen, ดอกไม้, सजा केक, मॉडलिंग, モデル, çiçek, çiçek modelleme, šalto porceliano, 建模, 裝飾蛋糕, 진달�?, κρύα πορσελάνη, ορχιδέα, μπουκέτο, αζαλέα, λουλούδι, λουλούδια, τα φύλλα, φύλλα, φυτό, кветка, кветкі, квіти, квітка, куст, орхидея, орхидея "каттлея", орхидея "фаленопсис", орхидея "цимбидиум ", орхідея, гвоздика, вене́рин башмачо́к настоя́щий, вене́рин башмачо́к обыкнове́нный, полимерная глина, полевые цветы, пошагово, природа, мк, моделиране, майстер-класи, маршмеллоу, мастика, мастер-класс, азалия, азалія, архідэя, башмачо́к настоя́щий, букет, зозулині черевички, завод, листа, листья, листя, лепим цветы, лепка, ліплення, лісце, рослина, растение, растения, украшение тортов, украшение торта, свадебный торт, сахарная мастика, сахарный клей, уроки прикрашання, студен порцелан, торт, фимо, флористика, флора, холодного порцеляни, холодного фарфора, холодный фарфор, халоднага фарфору, цветок, цветочная паста, цвете, цветя, цветы, цветы из полимерной глины, цветы из холодного фарфора, цветы на торт, шаг за шагом

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