Гардения, gardenia, gardénia, Gardenie, gardênia, พุด
30.07.2011, 09:28
Регистрация: 07.09.2010
Сообщений: 7,940
Гардения, gardenia, gardénia, Gardenie, gardênia, พุด
спасибо огромное Nice за МК
Возьмем небольшой кусочек глины, капнем капельку краски и хорошенько смешаем
Теперь разделим на 14 кусочков (у меня на картинке почему-то 15 )
И превратим шарики в "конусы". Делаем это, положив шарик на ладонь, раскатывая и слегка прижимая при этом один конец
Теперь "конусы" превращаем в лепестки. Кладем каждый на ладонь и расплющиваем, придавая лепесточку форму "ложечки", т.е. лепесток вогнут вовнутрь. Середину при этом оставляем потолще, а края делаем потоньше. Получаем готовые лепестки
Теперь нужно собрать их в цветок. Для середины возьмем 4 лепесточка, пять лепесточков вокруг середины и еще 5 по краю (см. картинки)
Когда делаем серединку и следующий ярус, лепесточки располагаем "веером"
В итоге должен получится такой цветок "с хвостом"
"Хвостик" отрезаем и оставляем цветок просушиться. Наша гардения готова! Можно прикрепить к цветку основу для броши или заколки - получится оригинальное украшение.
30.07.2011, 09:33
Регистрация: 07.09.2010
Сообщений: 7,940
Gardenia Jasminoides
спасибо огромное Shaile за МК
The making of the Gardenia
When I asked for suggestions of flowers to make a friend said a Gardenia. So of course I had to look up on line what the actual flower looks like compared to the many gumpaste ones I have seen. Then I went to the store to see them first hand. I found there are more than one variety and chose to make the Gardenia Jasminoides variety. It is very full with nice texture on the petals and also has many different shapes to them. As I make a new gumpaste flower I also learn a little about the flower as well.
The Gardenia Jasminoides is a tropical plant, very fragrant, and a favorite for gardens. It is also known as the Gardenia Augusta. Here is the sample I found that I just loved and wanted to make.
Since I am making this version of the Gardenia in gumpaste for the first time I had to find the right cutters in my collection to cut out the petals.. some trial and error to get what I wanted but finally I found a match that I liked. Here are all the tools necessary to make this beautiful flower in gumpaste.
All the tools I need to make the gumpaste Gardenia
Next.. I will roll out the gumpaste and cut out several petals at a time to work with. After the petals are cut I soften the edges with the large rolling pin which in my opinion allows the shaping to look much more natural. After they are cut and softened I place them in formers to dry in the shape I give them.
Rolling out the gumpaste
Cutting out the gumpaste petals to work with
Softening the gumpaste petal
Once I have softened the edges I start to shape the gumpaste to give the petals a more natural flowing look. This where you have to work sort of swiftly before the gumpaste dries. Next, I place them in former to dry completely making sure they don't loose the shape I gave them while placing them.
gumpaste Gardenia petals drying in formers
Gumpaste Gardenia petals wating to be assembled
Attaching gumpaste Gardenia petals
And finally they are all assembled and waiting to be placed in an arrangement
Completed gumaste Gardenia's I will post an arragement with the Gardenia's as soon as I complete the other flowers that go with them
19.10.2011, 08:25
Регистрация: 07.09.2010
Сообщений: 7,940
29.01.2012, 21:24
Регистрация: 07.09.2010
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29.01.2012, 21:27
Регистрация: 07.09.2010
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03.03.2012, 15:42
Регистрация: 07.09.2010
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15.07.2012, 21:17
Регистрация: 07.09.2010
Сообщений: 7,940
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