Cake Decorating Tutorials  (How To's) Tortas Paso a Paso
Cake Decorating Tutorials (How To's) Tortas Paso a Paso
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Перезагрузить страницу МК шоколадные листья -Chocolate Leaves step by step
Старый 26.05.2013, 21:50
Arianka Arianka вне форума
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По умолчанию МК шоколадные листья -Chocolate Leaves step by step
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One of the best tricks that I learned during my day as a chocolatier at Kakao Chocolate was how to make these chocolate leaves in just thirty seconds.
Start by pouring a long blob of tempered chocolate onto parchment paper.

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Use a very well cleaned hair comb or a special cake decorating comb to drag lines on both sides of the chocolate. I tried this at home with a fork and it didn’t work as well since the tines are too close together.
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Finger paint the outline of the leaf.
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Fold the parchment paper up a little to create a slight curve in the leaf.
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Cool in the refrigerator, peel the chocolate leaf off the parchment paper, eat, or use to decorate!

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