Cake Decorating Tutorials  (How To's) Tortas Paso a Paso
Cake Decorating Tutorials (How To's) Tortas Paso a Paso
Старый 23.01.2015, 16:14
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По умолчанию МК "Роза из крема" -Buttercream rose tutorial
Огромная благодарность Aimee за Мастер-класс

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to make frosting
200ml double cream
1 cup cream cheese
1/3 cup icing sugar
pink colouring
vanilla extract
whip cream and icing sugar and vanilla until stiff peaks form add the cream cheese and pink colouring and mix until well combined, add a tbsp on to each cake and put the rest into a piping bag with a petal nozzle

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smooth out the frosting to completely cover cake.
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with the widest part of the nozzle nearest to the cake pipe a circle to form the centre of the flower
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then pipe another layer of frosting around it.
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start piping petals starting touching the cake and bringing the piping bag up and making a semi circle.
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continue piping larger petals, flicking out your wrist slightly the further out you get.
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keep adding petals until the whole cake is covered.
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